
Dense fog disrupts flight operations at Delhi airport

Dense fog belted the Indira Gandhi All-embracing Airport in Delhi on Sunday morning with afterimage bottomward to abreast aught affecting flight operations which led to delays, diversions and cancellations of about 75 calm and all-embracing flights. Passengers were addled a lot as abounding airlines

delayed their abandonment due to close fog. About 15 calm flights from Delhi were annulled and 12 international, mostly appointed to abandon backward endure night and in the wee hours, accept been rescheduled, airport authorities said.

As close fog started to alight aloft the airport backward endure night, about 17 calm and two all-embracing flights

scheduled to access actuality were absent to Jaipur, Ahmedabad and Lucknow.

Around seven all-embracing flights advancing to the civic basic were delayed by up to three to four hours,

airport sources said.

Most of the morning flights were delayed by up to 5 hours or had be rescheduled for the closing allotment of the day, as

Met Department has said that bearings is acceptable to advance afterwards 9.30 if the close fog (CAT-III A or CAT III B

category) may alpha to lift slowly.

The accepted afterimage at the capital and the new runways were beneath than 50 metres. The aerodrome afterimage was beneath 125


Airlines aswell annulled their flights to Lucknow, Jaipur, Kullu, Mumbai, Leh, Amritsar, Patna, Chandigarh, Goa

and Srinagar due to close fog.

Last night, Air India rescheduled its flights to New York, Chicago and Toronto afterwards afterimage alone beneath the

accepted limit. The flights, which were appointed to abandon amid 1.30 to 3.30 am, accept been rescheduled to 11.30 am.


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