
Opposition rejects action of appropriate assembly session

NEW DELHI: The Opposition on Thursday spurned the government’s action of a appropriate affair to agitation its appeal for a collective aldermanic board (JPC) delving into the 2G spectrum betray .

A day afterwards accounts abbot Pranab Mukherjee proposed a appropriate affair in an attack to end the standoff, the BJP and the Left fabricated it bright that they would not achieve for annihilation beneath than the architecture of a JPC.

“We do not wish a agitation on the JPC but wish the JPC. The government should anatomy a JPC to delving the scam,” baton of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha Arun Jaitley said. The BJP, which is captivation the party’s civic office-bearers affair in Jammu, asked why the Congress was afraid abroad from a JPC if it had annihilation to hide.

BJP’s arch agent Ravi Shankar Prasad said the affair had abundant of debates and discussions with government and it was time to act.

Rejecting the government’s suggestion, CPM baton Basudeb Acharia said it would be a abortive exercise as the Opposition was close on its appeal for a JPC. “We are not adjoin a appropriate affair to agitation bribery but a JPC should be constituted first. What’s the use of debating it otherwise. We could acquire done this in the endure affair also,” Acharia said. “JPC is a reasonable demand. Why is the government afraid abroad from it,” CPI’s D Raja said.

Mukherjee’s action came on a day the BJP began its anti-corruption assemblage in the Capital with a abuse adjoin Prime Abbot Manmohan Singh . The BJP, which is planning to yield its attack to added states over the next two months, said the prime abbot should either acquire its appeal for a JPC or footfall down. This was the aboriginal time the BJP approved the prime minister’s abandonment on the JPC issue.

Mukherjee had said at a action after in the day that the government was able for a agitation in assembly whether there was a charge for a JPC in the ambience of all the accomplish back 2009. However, BJP admiral Nitin Gadkari alone it adage “the CAG address conveys that it’s a Rs 1.76-lakh scam. Is it not important that we charge a aldermanic board on that?”

The JPC demand, which paralysed the absolute winter affair of assembly threatens to discharge on to the account session, alpha in February. In the meantime, the NDA as able-bodied as the added Opposition parties are captivation beef rallies beyond the country to accumulate the affair alive.


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