
Rocket daydream explodes in india

India determined geo-stationary satellite operation expected on Saturday as the satellite launcher. GSLV-F06, to be course of 50 seconds into the launch.

The GSLV-F06 the Rs 125-crore geostationary satellite, GSAT-5P. The rocket was damaged. when it was at an height above the sea level of 8 km and 2.5 km away from Sriharikota.

This is first time that Isro’s satellite launch operation has failed in the first stage . The GSLV is a high-power rocket intended to take heavy satellites into a geo-synchronous orbit, 36,000 km above from the Earth.

The failure of the GSLV will affect Isro’s planned operation, including the operation to moon, and will affect the telecommunications development programmed.

Saturday incident is the third time the GSLV has failed in seven launches, and than the second in eight months.

The GSLV-F06 deviates from the designed path moments after the launch. When our efforts to reach the control and command signals failed, it was decided to the flight in first stage and the destruct command was issued,a disappointed Isro’s chief, Dr K. Radhakrishnan, told.


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