
Wikileaks cabel released about the Neclear deal Indian MP's

A WikiLeaks cable from a US agent in India anachronous 2008 suggests that the Congress bought MPs to survive its acute vote of aplomb over the government's nuclear accord with the US.

The cable says that Nachiketa Kapur, declared as the political abettor of Congress baton Satish Sharma, told a US admiral agent that four MPs from Ajit Singh's party, the Rashtriya Lok Dal, were paid 10 crores anniversary by the Congress. Both Mr Sharma and Mr Kapoor told NDTV this morning that they accept never formed together. (Read absolute cable here)

The cable is anachronous July 17, 2008 and was beatific by US Charge d'Affaires Steven White. He says that the embassy's Political Counsellor visited Congress baton Satish Sharma at his home.

The cable states, "Sharma's political abettor Nachiketa Kapur mentioned to an Admiral agents affiliate in an abreast on July 16 that Ajit Singh's RLD had been paid Rupees 10 crore (about $2.5 million) for anniversary of their four MPs to abutment the government."

The cable aswell says that Mr Sharma's abettor showed a US Admiral agent two chests absolute banknote and said the affair had amid Rs. 50-60 crore to buy votes from altered MPs.

The Prime Minister won his vote by a aerial margin.

Mr Ajit Singh has denied that his MPs were bought off. In fact, he says his affair voted adjoin the government. "See our affair was adjoin the nuclear accord and the contempo contest in Japan accept vindicated us. We had all-encompassing discussions with the TDP, TRS and Left. And we absitively to vote adjoin the government and we did vote adjoin the government and we had alone 3 MPs at that time."

The Left and the BJP say they will accession the cable with the government in Parliament to ambition the government for compromising democracy. They wish the Prime Minister to abode Parliament on the issue. ('Govt survived on backbone of political sin:' BJP)

The Left pulled out of the UPA government canicule afore that analytical vote in 2008. Mulayam Singh's Samajwadi Affair bailed the government out by alms its support.

The cash-for-votes aspersion had aboriginal erupted on July 22 on the day of the aplomb vote if three BJP MPS produced Rs. 3 crore in banknote in the Lok Sabha. They said the money had been offered to them by Amar Singh, who was again with the Samajwadi Party, to ensure that they would either vote in favour of the government, or abstain. A Lok Sabha board was set up to appraise their allegations, but begin that there was no affirmation of the BJP's claims.


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