
About the UN war Secret Government response to the expert panel report

In the final phase of the war in Sri Lanka with the LTTE massacre of thousands of Tamils ​​were killed. UN expert panel said in its statement about the war.

Sri Lanka has refused to accept the committee's report. Also reported that it had rejected. But, the 31 questions asked in the report, said the Sri Lankan government have been confidential.

The information of the United National Party MP Kiriyels Laxman said. The debate over the Quota Act of the Parliament of Sri Lanka took place yesterday. He said he spoke: -

One of the killed civilians during the war, not even the final say, and no one will believe that. Government must explain this to carvatecat. Related to the UN And the expert group's report, Channel 4 and the video display to provide the identity of the nation state has not yet taken any action.

Also need to have talks with international countries. But do not do it. 2 years ago Channel 4 broadcast a video display. The government said it would take legal action against it. But so far not taken any action.

UN Expert committee rejected the report said, and asked to answer the 31 questions provided in the most confidential manner. Government's duty to prevent risks and reputation of the country. UN Proving that lying is the hands of an expert group's report. But the Government should immediately talk with international countries. UN The office opened in Colombo, Sri Lanka's Human Rights Council to allow charges to be fake.Thus he spoke.


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