
2 Kepler spacecraft found the planet with the sun!

Smaller than the Earth orbiting the Sun, Kepler spacecraft captured images of 2 planets orbiting the sun sent it.

The Kepler spacecraft launched by NASA evappattu engaged in research often used to send images to surprise scientists. Kepler spacecraft to earth to live near or far to find a suitable planet have been sent there.

Images sent recently by the Kepler spacecraft, the sun found a new planet 2. Kepler, the planet Earth at a distance from 16 to 200 oliyantu titled The scientists said.

Half of the Kepler planet rock 16-B, about half are filled with gases. Thus, there appears to be unable to live organism. Canikkirakat roughly the size of the planet's size, 2 curiyankalum, scientists report that the Earth is smaller than the Sun.

69 percent of Earth's sun, the sun and the amount of 1, appears to have the other 20 percent range. As in the solar system, revolves around the sun itself, that the planets orbit. Eclipses often occurs between the cases.

Immunrirkum between the operating speed could not be calculated precisely. B-2 to come around the sun takes 229 days, 16 Kepler. Venus around the sun takes 225 days.

Researcher William purukki Kepler said, "most similar to the Solar System planets, is curiyankalum. Which may include some features that the Kepler needed to survive through the pictures prove. There is thus far the researchers have to overcome," he said.


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