
The hurricane killed 18 people and poor in Japan

The first ship in Japan on Saturday night by a heavy wind storm that FallingRain talas, as well as decline in land in several places. Hurricane hit the islands of Japan, killing 18 people.

A storm in the southern part of Japan toward the coast and 20 kilometers per hour, the speed is very slow kottiyatu continuing heavy rain. That's driven by the country's numerous islands of land steeped in the water and started to slide. Arukalilum flooding caused by rain at all. Heavy rain that began Saturday night and continued yesterday. Greatly affected by the rescue efforts.

People who lived in the west central part of the country, about four people to safe places arupatayiram latcattu officials to stay away. If the people in these areas water on the knee of the flood water began to search the umbrella pitittapati a safe place. Yesterday, as the storm moved north across central Japan as rikoku Island. Were hit by heavy rain, a palame enecke Television pictures showed.

Nara vakayama and states, in many places, due to heavy rain and landslides, and flooding occurred. 18 men were killed in landslides and floods. 43 people were missing. East Japan across the sea toward Japan today, Dallas would go on, the weather center said. Heavy rain and landslides that could occur, however, warn.


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