
Till NOw JPC argument in the Parliement

NEW DELHI: Which is bigger empowered to delving the doubtable irregularities in the 2G spectrum allocation -- a collective aldermanic board (JPC) or the Public Accounts Board (PAC)? The altercation amidst the government and the activity rages amidst fears that the deadlock that done out the absolute winter affair of assembly may discharge over to the added acute account affair next year.

Why are the two abandon afraid to angle on the issue?

The activity is of the appearance that the PAC has a bound administration and that won't be abundant to dig abysmal into the irregularities believed to accept been commited in the allocation of second-generation telephony spectrum, a bound civic resource. The government, not giving in to the opposition's JPC demand, says a multi-pronged delving by the CBI , Enforcement Directorate, Income Tax and the PAC was abundant to investigate the charges.

Here is a adviser to the formation, administration and admiral of the two aldermanic committees - one which is ad hoc and the added that consistently scrutinizes the government account spending.

Definition: The PAC is constituted every year to scrutinise how the money accustomed by assembly has been spent by the government. It takes references alone from the government accountant report, which banned its role.

The agreement and activity of a JPC, a structured but ad hoc committee, are absolute by parliament. It is set up for acid a specific affair and its continuance is limited. Such a board is set up by a motion anesthetized in parliament. Its agreement of references depend on the motion and this is not bound to the analysis of government finances.

Effectiveness: Both the JPC and the PAC can alone attending at abstracts and appraise admiral admiral who affirm afore them. They can access at absolute abstracts based on their probe.

The PAC expresses no assessment on credibility of accepted government policy, but it is aural its administration to point out whether there has been a banking accident to the coffer in accustomed out that policy.

The authorization of a JPC depends on the motion basic it. Its recommendations accept actuating amount but it cannot force the government to yield any action. Many accomplished JPC letters accept been abandoned by the government of the day. The government can adjudge to conduct its own investigations on the base of a JPC report. But it has to address to assembly on the aftereffect activity on the JPC recommendations.

A JPC address can acclaim the case or the change in government policies, for example, abandoning of 2G licence, but the government can disagree with the JPC and debris to yield such action.

Power: Can a abbot be alleged to affirm afore the committees? If the PAC wants to catechism a abbot on any issue, the board has to get an approval from the apostle afore accomplishing so. The endure time a abbot has appeared afore the PAC was in 1966 if again agronomics abbot C. Subramaniam was asked to do so.

Prime Abbot Manmohan Singh has volunteered to depose afore the PAC if appropriate on the telecom spectrum allocation scandal.

For JPC to ask for any abbot to affirm depends on its agreement of references, which usually acquiesce it to catechism any government functionary, including the prime minister.


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