
widthdraw all the telungana cases by AP Govt

Bowing to the burden from Congress MPs from Telangana, the party's government in Andhra Pradesh Tuesday absitively to abjure all bent cases filed during protests for a abstracted Telangana state.

After a alternation of discussions Arch Abbot N Kiran Kumar Reddy had with ministers and added cardinal affair leaders from the region, the government agreed to abjure the awaiting 967 cases. These will be in accession to the cases aloof earlier.

The cases were appointed during the protests for and adjoin a abstracted Telangana accompaniment in all three regions of the accompaniment amid November 2009 and September 2010.

An advertisement on abandonment of cases will be fabricated by Home Abbot Sabita Indra Reddy, official sources said. The government will move the cloister to abjure some cases of austere nature.

A appointment of ministers from Telangana will accommodated the MPs, who are on ache bang aback Monday, ambitious abandonment of all cases. They will accustom the MPs of the government's accommodation and appeal them to breach the fast.

The government connected its efforts to appease the Congress MPs to end the fast till backward Monday night but after any success.

Nine MPs led by arch baton and Rajya Sabha affiliate K. Keshava Rao spent the night in the ache bang affected at New MLA Quarters.

A aggregation of doctors, which advised them, said all their bloom ambit were normal.

The government Monday absitively to abjure 135 cases adjoin 834 acceptance but the MPs fabricated it bright that they would not achieve for annihilation beneath than abandonment of all cases.

Kiran Kumar Reddy afresh commissioned three ministers from Telangana to allocution to the MPs endure night and appeal them to alarm off the fast as it was proving an embarrassment for the government. The MPs, however, ashore to their demand.

Worried over the fast by the MPs, the axial administration of the Congress was aswell in blow with the arch abbot and party's accompaniment assemblage admiral D. Srinivas to boldness the issue.

Congress admiral Sonia Gandhi's political adviser Ahmed Patel and affair accepted secretary M. Veerappa Moily batten to Reddy and Srinivas over phone, affair sources said.

With accompaniment legislators from Telangana aswell planning to accompany the MPs in the fast Tuesday, the government was beneath burden to anon acquisition a way out.

A absolute of 1,667 cases were filed adjoin 8,047 humans during the pro and anti-Telangana protests.

The government beforehand this ages appear in the accompaniment accumulation abandonment of 562 cases adjoin 2,436 humans but absitively not to yield aback added cases, terming them of austere nature.


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