
HTC plan to buy a new operating system

Best way to upgrade them with modern facilities for its smartphones to ectici company. For this, the company decided to buy a new mobile operating system.

HP's vision of the Palm Web appirettin patintullat ectiehci the news published on the system. But it is unclear the extent to which that is true. System to obtain the best appirettin ectici inaiyappokiratu any company that is one of them ectici Unsure ccer Wang's top official has said clearly.

But certainly a better operating system produced by leading courts in talks to merge niruvanattuyan. That is the peytu oestan. Appirettin system is alien to the market through the company. If you want to make sure that the best way to mobiles appirettin system must be better.

If it can offer customers a new technology that the company's top official ccer ectici said Wang. Ectici on the type of company, Samsung Corporation and Best appirettin perivatarku planning system. Samsung too, antraytu Google, Windows mobile 7, Bada appirettin appirettin system provides the best such systems have made an effort with the company.

Ecppi ectici and Samsung currently has to know that Palm's Web appirettin system. Although the company did not release any information regarding this is that this year. Parcilon next year, seems to be unfolding in places like Spain.


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